
Freely display indoor or outdoor air quality data on your website by using IQAir’s air quality widget template. You can create widgets on your dashboard:


Depending on your needs, you can create 3 different types of widget:

  • City/public station widget. Display either a selected city or public station’s current air quality (e.g., useful for a city’s event listing or travel site), or be made to dynamically change based on the viewer's IP address location (e.g., useful for an international or nation-wide company or publication website).

[hovering over the small black ‘pill’ causes additional information to appear below]


  • City + device measurement widget (indoor/outdoor). Display the contrast between indoor and outdoor conditions in your chosen location, between data from a Pro/Node and its nearest outdoor station. A handy tool for enterprises and organizations to be transparent with indoor air quality.

  • Device measurement widget. Display data from a device anywhere.